Another CSR of Anticimex Malaysia to help LP204 Group
Press release
Another CSR of Anticimex Malaysia to help LP204 Group
Published on 16 Apr 2020
The Yellow Shirts, Disinfect to Prevent & Protect Kuala Lumpur Tong Sim Senior Citizens Care Centre from Coronavirus Covid19:
"LP 204’s special project during our AsiaWorks Malaysia training 2 years ago @ Tong Sim Old Folks. The experience we had with these old folks have definitely moved us & awakened us for life. We’ve promised them that we will be back any chance we get.. this year MCO or not, lockdown or not, all it took was just ♥️ heart. Grab bikes from north to south, east to west. Most needed goods delivered! We had managed to get an establishment to sponsor sanitizing services with the little money we raised! 👍🏻
Special thanks to Caring Pharmacy Pavilion CARiNG PHARMACY and Christine in sponsoring delivery fees to our surprise! And a very special thank you to Anticimex Malaysia in sponsoring santizing services too! They covered their services with the little funds we had left!"
--LP204, 16 April 2020
The Video from YouTube to discribe Tong Sim Senior Citizens Care Centre relationships with The Yellow Shirts - LP204 :
Watch video at